1. Don't forget brushing
Brushing the coat is an essential activity to maintain the health and beauty of the dog's coat.ย It is a task with a multitude of benefits:
The most obvious thing is that, you will eliminate undesirable knots.ย This is especially relevant in long-haired dogs.ย Without correct maintenance, important tangles can be generated that will cause discomfort and inconvenience to your pet.
It is a way to eliminate shedding hair that is falling out naturally.ย Of course, this is very convenient if you do not want these furs to spread to all corners of the home.
It helps to reduce the amount of parasites and substances that adhere to the hair fibers and that can cause irritation to the dog's own skin.ย Promotes skin circulation, allowing coat to grow strong and healthy.
If your dog is long-haired, the ideal is to brush it every day.ย If you have short hair, twice a week will suffice.
2. Use canine grooming products
Remember to always use the right products.ย That is, those that have been specifically designed for the care of dogs.ย Keep in mind that the items that humans use in our daily hygiene habits, such as shampoo or gel, contain substances that are harmful to your four-legged companion.ย The result can be from small irritations to much more serious skin injuries.
Luckily, you have different options according to the needs and characteristics of your dog.ย Shampoos, for example, have specific alternatives for sensitive skin, anti-parasites, and even to improve the whiteness of the hair.
If you choose to use dry shampoos, you should be careful.ย What this product usually does is remove fat from the skin.ย Therefore, if you abuse it or apply it too often, it is likely that the skin and hair will dry out.ย Remember that skin fat works as a protective barrier and damaging it can trigger serious problems.
3. Clean and healthy ears
The ears are an important point in the health of the dog, so do not forget to check them frequently.ย Breeds that have large ears or with hair inside will need you to dedicate a moment to them once a week, since dirt usually remains embedded in this type of dog.ย In those who have small ears and no hair inside, doing it twice a month will be enough.
How to clean this area?ย You just have to drag the dirt from the ear with the help of the Ear Dips Thimbles, which come in the shape of the index finger, and use a product indicated for ear cleaning, such as Artero Aurigel - Ear Cleaner For Dogs and Cats .ย With a little skill, the ear canals will be totally clean, Remember not to go too deep and be careful, as it is a very sensitive part.
4. Goodbye to the tear stains!
Dogs' eyes tend to generate quite annoying, unsightly rheum and can cause infections.ย So, do not forget about them to maintain the health and beauty of your best friend.
As we have explained in the previous section, you will only need some gauze pads and some specific product to moisten them.ย There are innovative products on the market such as Artero Wet Eye Cleaner Thimble, in which the gauzes are prepared in the shape of a thimble and soaked in saline solution for greater comfort.ย Gently drag the dirt from the eye outward to clean the affected area.
5. No bad breath
Dental hygiene is essential so that your dog does not develop bad breath or any other ailment in the mouth.ย To avoid this, it is necessary that you brush your pet's teeth twice a week.
In case the dog is reluctant to be brushed, you have other alternatives, such as dental cleaning snacks or sprays against bad breath, such as Artero X-Mint Eliminates Bad Breath.
6. Daily hygiene
So that your dog does not accumulate too much dirt, it is best to clean it when you return from walks.ย The moment you take him out into the street or field is when he comes into contact with the earth, mud and other elements.
So, what you have to do when you both return home after your routine outing is to clean its paws, muzzle and tail, these are the parts that are most exposed to dirt.ย The wet gloves Artero Gloves For Hygiene are a great option for this task, although you also have the possibility of using a little soap and water.
7. Always smell good
The smell is another of the basic aspects of your dog that should not be overlooked.ย Surely you love going to pick up your four-legged friend from the hairdresser and that he smells so nice, right?ย For your satisfaction, you should know that this is possible to achieve at home.ย In addition to using suitable shampoos, you can also complete the hygiene routine withย perfumes for dogย .ย You will love to cuddle your pet and feel that fragrance that you like so much.ย
